Auditing Organization

DNV Business Assurance Singapore Pte Ltd is an accredited Auditing Organization (AO) by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC)

What are the services available in Singapore?

  • Safety Health Management System (SHMS) Audit

What is the Audit Process like?

1) Application [Quote Request Form (QRF)]

Applicant organization must submit QRF to request for DNV Business Assurance Singapore for auditing service. Information to be completed and provided by the applicant organization as follow:

  • a) The desired scope of the audit;
  • b) Relevant details of the applicant organization, including its name and the address(es) of its site(s), its processes and operations, human and technical resources (total manpower), functions, relationships and any relevant legal obligations;
  • c) Identification of outsourced processes used by the organization that will affect conformity to requirements;
  • d) The standards or other requirements for which the applicant organization is seeking auditing services;
  • e) whether consultancy relating to the areas to be audited has been provided and, if so, by whom.

2) Application Review

Upon receiving the application from the applicant organization, DNV Business Assurance Singapore will conduct a review of the application and supplementary information for auditing to ensure that

  • a) Any known differences in understanding between DNVGL Business Assurance Singapore and the applicant organization is resolved;
  • b) DNV Business Assurance Singapore has the competence and ability to perform the audit activities;
  • c) The site(s) of the applicant organization’s operations, time required to complete audits and any other points influencing the auditing activities are taken into account (language, safety conditions, threats to impartiality, etc.).

After reviewing the application, DNV Business Assurance Singapore will inform the applicant organization’s authorized representative formally through email, whether the application has been accepted or declined. Where the application is declined, the reasons for declining the application shall be documented and made clear to the client. DNV Business Assurance Singapore shall determine the number of auditors for the audit and the audit duration.

If the application is accepted, DNV Business Assurance Singapore will determine the number of auditors for the audit, the competences needed to be included in the audit team and the audit duration (based on Annex 2 to Appendix 1 of CT 17).

3) Determining Audit Time

The minimum time for conducting an audit will be determined in compliance to the requirements stipulated in below table as per Annex 2 to Appendix 1 of CT 17 for SHMS audit.

4) Audit Plan

An audit plan is established by Designated Auditors for each audit to provide the basis for agreement regarding the conduct and scheduling of the audit activities. The audit plan will be communicated, and the dates of the audit agreed upon, in advance, with the client.

5) On-site Audit

  • The audit team will conduct the on-site audit including:
  • Opening meeting
  • Familiarization tour of the workplace
  • Obtaining and verifying information through
    • Record checks
    • Physical conditions tours, and
    • Verification interviews with process owners and workers.
  • Closing meeting

6) Audit Report and Testimony

A written report will be provided to the client for each audit conducted. Testimony of audit will not be issued to the client for each audit conducted.

7) Request for additional information & Complaint/Feedback

Request for additional information may be directed to

Complaints or feedback may be directed to

An acknowledgement of receipt of the request, complaint or feedback will be sent to the sender. Additional information requested may be approval at DNV's discretion.

For complaints, DNV Business Assurance Singapore will evaluate the complaint and take necessary action(s) to address the complaint. DNV Business Assurance Singapore will feedback to the complainant on the action(s) taken.

Policy on Impartiality

The DNV Business Assurance Singapore is committed to ensuring impartiality in all auditing activities undertaken by its auditors and shall not allow commercial, financial and other pressures to compromise impartiality.

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